Home Equity – Cashin Mortgages https://cashinmortgages.ca Ontario's Mortgage Brokerage Fri, 20 Oct 2023 14:40:21 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://cashinmortgages.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/cashinmortgages_favicon-min-150x150.png Home Equity – Cashin Mortgages https://cashinmortgages.ca 32 32 The Impact of Changing Interest Rates on Mortgages https://cashinmortgages.ca/articles/the-impact-of-changing-interest-rates-on-mortgages/ Fri, 20 Oct 2023 14:34:08 +0000 https://cashinmortgages.ca/?p=27397

The Impact of Changing Interest Rates on Mortgages

Interest rates wield immense influence in the realm of mortgages, casting ripples that touch both present homeowners and potential buyers. We examined the current interest rate landscape to anticipate plausible scenarios, providing critical insights for those traversing the mortgage terrain.

Present Interest Rate Scene

Recent data suggests that the Bank of Canada (BoC) intends to uphold its policy rate at 5% or higher until at least March 2024, as indicated by a survey of 34 economists conducted in late August. This cautious approach reflects the central bank’s response to ongoing economic uncertainties.

Impact on Existing Homeowners

For homeowners with fixed-rate mortgages, the current interest rate climate offers stability. Fixed-rate mortgages lock in interest rates for the entire term, shielding borrowers from market fluctuations. This ensures predictability in monthly payments throughout the agreed-upon term.

Conversely, those with variable-rate mortgages may benefit from the BoC’s interest rate stance, enjoying lower initial rates compared to their fixed-rate counterparts. However, vigilance is vital, as variable rates may shift with changes in the central bank’s policy rate.

Implications for Prospective Homebuyers

Prospective homebuyers should view the current interest rate climate as a double-edged sword. On one hand, low mortgage rates enhance the feasibility of homeownership, attracting potential buyers. On the other hand, a fiercely competitive housing market and limited inventory may counterbalance the benefits of lower interest rates, potentially driving up property prices.

Economic Insights for Mortgage Rates

Recent trends show increased service spending, mainly due to summer leisure activities, which is expected to moderate in September. Credit usage and savings depletion remain high, but sustainability is questionable.

Supply chain improvements have led to decreased prices for commodities like copper, steel, silver, and lumber, which is deflationary. However, inflation persists in the food and travel/leisure sectors, along with rising energy costs. The full impact of 2022 interest rate hikes has yet to materialize.

The duration of high rates depends on economic resilience. Consumer spending expectations may delay rate drops, potentially even causing rate increases. A recession is expected to trigger a sustained rate drop cycle, with financial markets projecting the first Central Bank rate drop in July 2024.

What does the future hold for mortgage rates?

Mortgage rates are set to decrease, but not to pre-pandemic levels. Fixed mortgage rates are expected to normalize in the high 3% range. The primary trend is an increase in rates and bond yields in 2023, followed by a drop towards late 2023 and 2024, aligning with the Central Bank of Canada rate reduction.

Mitigating Risk and Maximizing Savings

While lower rates are not currently favourable, strategic planning can position borrowers to benefit from future rate drops. Inflation may not substantially decline until 2024, with the prime rate taking until 2026 to reach its ‘neutral rate.’ Gradual Central Bank rate drops are expected over two years.

The mortgage landscape is a nuanced interplay of economic forces. At Cashin Mortgages, we emphasize staying informed, assessing your risk tolerance, and being prepared for rate fluctuations in this dynamic environment. Your journey in the mortgage market is our priority, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Fall Home Maintenance Checklist https://cashinmortgages.ca/articles/fall-home-maintenance-checklist/ Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:38:04 +0000 https://cashinmortgages.ca/?p=26979

Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

As the leaves begin to change colour and the air becomes crisp, it’s a clear sign that fall is upon us. While many people associate this season with pumpkin spice lattes and cozy sweaters, it’s also an essential time to prepare your home for the upcoming winter months. Taking the time to perform fall home maintenance can save you both time and money in the long run. In this comprehensive checklist, we’ll cover all the essential tasks you need to complete, from the interior to the exterior of your home.

Interior Maintenance

Heating System Inspection

  1. Furnace Inspection: Hire a professional to inspect and service your furnace. Ensure it’s in optimal working condition to keep your home warm during the cold winters.
  2. Change Air Filters: Replace the air filters in your furnace to improve efficiency and indoor air quality. This should be done every one to three months.
  3. Check Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Ensure your carbon monoxide detectors are working correctly, especially as you’ll be using your heating system more frequently.

Fireplace and Chimney Maintenance

  1. Chimney Cleaning: If you have a wood-burning fireplace, schedule a chimney cleaning to remove creosote buildup, which can pose a fire hazard.
  2. Stock up on Firewood: If you rely on a fireplace for additional heating, stock up on seasoned firewood to keep your home cozy.

Sealing Drafts

  1. Check Windows and Doors: Inspect for drafts around windows and doors. Use weatherstripping or caulk to seal gaps, preventing heat loss.
  2. Add Insulation: Insulate attics and crawl spaces to keep your home warm and energy-efficient.

Smoke and CO Alarms

  1. Test Alarms: Test smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to ensure they are functioning correctly. Replace the batteries if needed.

Gutters and Downspouts

  1. Clean Gutters: Clear gutters of leaves and debris to prevent water damage and ice dams during the winter.
  2. Extend Downspouts: Ensure downspouts extend away from your home’s foundation to prevent basement flooding.


Exterior Maintenance

Roof Inspection

  1. Inspect Roof: Examine your roof for damaged or missing shingles. Replace any that are compromised to control leaks.
  2. Clean Gutters: As mentioned earlier, clean gutters are essential for proper water drainage.

Lawn and Garden Care

  1. Rake Leaves: Regularly rake and remove fallen leaves to prevent them from smothering your lawn.
  2. Winterize Garden Beds: Trim back perennials, remove annuals, and mulch garden beds to protect plants during the winter.
  3. Lawn Aeration: Fall is an excellent time to aerate your lawn to improve root growth and drainage.

Exterior Plumbing

  1. Outdoor Faucets: Drain and shut off outdoor faucets to prevent frozen pipes.
  2. Sprinkler Systems: If you have an irrigation system, have it professionally winterized to avoid costly repairs in the spring.

Exterior Inspection

  1. Siding and Paint: Check your home’s exterior for peeling paint or damaged siding. Address any issues to prevent further damage from the winter weather.
  2. Seal Cracks and Gaps: Inspect the exterior for cracks and gaps in the foundation or walls. Seal them to prevent drafts and water infiltration.

Prepare Outdoor Equipment

  1. Store Outdoor Furniture: Clean and store outdoor furniture, cushions, and gardening tools in a dry, sheltered area.
  2. Clean BBQ: If you enjoy grilling year-round, clean your BBQ thoroughly and cover it to protect it from the elements.


Additional Tips

  1. Inspect the Attic: Check your attic for signs of pests or insulation issues. Address any problems promptly.
  2. Prepare for Power Outages: Winter storms can lead to power outages. Consider purchasing a generator or ensuring you have backup lighting and heating options.
  3. Emergency Kit: Assemble an emergency kit with essential supplies like non-perishable food, water, flashlights, and blankets.
  4. Professional Inspections: If you’re unsure about any aspect of your home’s maintenance, consider hiring professionals to inspect and address specific issues.

By following this comprehensive fall home maintenance checklist, you’ll ensure that your home is ready to withstand the challenges of the winter. Not only will these tasks help you stay warm and comfortable, but they can also save you money on energy bills and costly repairs down the road.

Take the time now to prepare your home, so you can enjoy the beauty of fall without worrying about your home’s well-being.

Looking to turn your next big project into a reality?  Call us at 416.655.CASH or visit our contact us page.

Navigating Q4: Your Comprehensive Guide to Year-End Success https://cashinmortgages.ca/articles/navigating-q4-your-comprehensive-guide-to-year-end-success/ Mon, 02 Oct 2023 13:50:48 +0000 https://cashinmortgages.ca/?p=26003

Navigating Q4: Your Comprehensive Guide to Year-End Success

As we approach the final stretch of the year, it’s crucial to take stock of our financial situation. Q4, the fourth and final quarter, is the perfect time to wrap up loose ends and set the stage for a successful new year. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to ensure a smooth year-end transition and help you set ambitious yet achievable goals for 2024.


Financial Housekeeping: Tracking Expenses, Costs, and Receipts

The first step in preparing for year-end is to conduct a thorough review of your financial records. Make sure you’ve entered all your expenses, costs, and receipts for this final Q4 period. This meticulous accounting ensures you have a clear understanding of your financial position. It’s also essential for tax purposes, enabling you to maximize deductions and minimize liabilities.

Create a checklist and systematically go through your financial documents, including:

  • Mortgage-related expenses: Double-check your monthly mortgage payments, property taxes, and insurance premiums. Ensure all payments are up-to-date and accounted for.

  • Home maintenance costs: Include expenses for repairs, renovations, and general upkeep. These costs can impact your home’s overall value.

  • Income documentation: Verify all sources of income, such as commissions, bonuses, or rental income. Accurate income reporting is crucial for mortgage qualification and financial planning.

  • Investment statements: Review the performance of your investments and assess any gains or losses. To maximize your investment portfolio, consider consulting with a financial advisor.


Debt Check: Ensure There Are No Outstanding Debts

One of the key aspects of a successful year-end is having a clear financial slate. Ensure there are no outstanding debts to pay, as lingering liabilities can hinder your financial progress. Focus on:

  • Credit card balances: Pay off any high-interest credit card debts and avoid carrying balances into the new year. Reducing your credit utilization ratio may improve your credit score.

  • Mortgage arrears: Confirm that your mortgage payments are up to date. If you have fallen behind, work with your lender to establish a repayment plan and get back on track.

  • Outstanding loans: Whether it’s student loans, car loans, or personal loans, make sure you’ve scheduled payments for all outstanding debts.


A Vision for 2024: Setting Your Aims

Q4 is not just about wrapping up the current year; it’s also about envisioning the future. What are your goals for 2024, and how do you plan to achieve them? Setting clear and attainable goals is a pivotal part of financial success. Consider the following as you plan for the upcoming year:

  • Homeownership goals: Are you looking to refinance your mortgage, purchase an investment property, or pay off your mortgage early? Define your homeownership objectives for 2024.

  • Financial milestones: Set specific financial targets, such as increasing your savings, reducing debt, or building an emergency fund. These goals provide a roadmap for your financial journey.

  • Investment aspirations: Explore opportunities for diversifying your investment portfolio or increasing your contributions to retirement accounts. Long-term financial security often begins with smart investment choices.

  • Education and growth: Invest in your knowledge and skills. Consider taking courses or attending workshops related to mortgage brokering to stay competitive in the industry.

Putting Your Goals into Action: Creating a Detailed Plan

Having aspirations is essential, but turning them into reality requires a well-structured plan. Here’s how you can transform your 2024 goals into actionable steps:

  • Goal prioritization: Start by ranking your goals based on their importance and feasibility. Identify which ones are short-term and which are long-term objectives.

  • Financial planning: Create a detailed budget that aligns with your goals. Allocate funds for specific purposes, such as savings, investments, and debt reduction.

  • Timelines and milestones: Set deadlines for achieving each goal and break them down into smaller, manageable milestones. Tracking progress is key to staying motivated.

  • Seek expert advice: If your goals involve complex financial decisions, don’t hesitate to consult a mortgage broker, financial advisor, or tax specialist. Their expertise can be invaluable in achieving your objectives.


Review and Adjust: Stay Flexible

While it’s essential to set goals and create a plan, it’s equally important to remain flexible. Life can be unpredictable, and things can change. Regularly review your financial plan, assess your progress, and be willing to adjust your goals if necessary.

  • Quarterly check-ins: Schedule quarterly reviews to evaluate your financial status. This allows you to make informed decisions and adapt your plan as needed.

  • Emergency fund: Always keep an emergency fund on hand to cover unforeseen expenses. This financial safety net provides peace of mind and prevents setbacks.


Tax Efficiency: Maximize Deductions

  • As the year draws to a close, it’s an ideal time to focus on tax efficiency. Use opportunities to lower your tax liability:

Charitable contributions: Consider making charitable donations to eligible organizations. Not only will you support a good cause, but you can also claim deductions on your taxes.

Retirement contributions: Maximize your contributions to retirement accounts, such as a 401(k) or IRA. Contributions like these can lower your taxable income.

Year-End Mortgage Checkup: Explore Opportunities

Lastly, don’t forget to assess your mortgage situation. Review your current mortgage terms and explore opportunities for improvement:

  • Refinancing: If interest rates have dropped significantly since you secured your mortgage, refinancing may save you money on monthly payments or reduce the overall cost of your loan.

  • Equity utilization: Consider tapping into your home equity for home improvements, debt consolidation, or investment opportunities. Your home’s equity can be a valuable financial resource.


Navigating Q4 is all about preparation, planning, and forward-thinking. By taking the time to tidy up your financial affairs, set clear goals, and create a detailed action plan, you can position yourself for year-end success and a prosperous 2024. Remember that financial stability and homeownership go hand in hand, and a well-managed mortgage is a cornerstone of your financial well-being. Here’s to a successful year-end and an even brighter future!

Mortgage Refinance: What is it and how does it work? https://cashinmortgages.ca/articles/mortgage-refinancing-what-is-it-and-how-does-it-work/ Tue, 16 May 2023 13:34:44 +0000 https://cashinmortgages.ca/?p=20555

Owning a home is a significant milestone for many Canadians, but the financial obligations that come with it can sometimes be overwhelming. Mortgage refinancing is a popular strategy that homeowners often consider to manage their mortgage payments effectively. In this article, we will explore what mortgage refinancing is and how it works. 

What is Mortgage Refinancing? 

Refinancing means that you will replace your current loan with a new loan on better terms. Refinancing allows homeowners to access the equity built up in their homes and make changes to their mortgage arrangements. The primary goal of refinancing is to obtain better loan terms, such as a lower interest rate, a longer repayment period, or to consolidate other debts. 

When you take out a loan, you do so at the interest rate in effect at the time of signing. Interest rates change greatly over time.

All in all, a refinance can be an advantageous alternative to your current loan. Not only because you can enjoy a better interest rate after a refinance but also because your monthly costs will automatically be cheaper in such a case.

How does Mortgage Refinancing work? 

The process of mortgage refinancing involves several steps, and it’s crucial to understand each one before deciding to refinance. 

Evaluate your financial situation 

Before considering refinancing, assess your current financial position. Determine your credit score, outstanding debts, and overall financial health. This evaluation will help you determine whether refinancing is a viable option for you.

Can I just go to my bank?

As a first step, you can certainly go to your current bank and ask for a refinancing of your loan. Although it is not required to do so, it is unlikely that your bank will reject your application. However, it is possible that your financial institution offers you a new interest rate that is not as advantageous as the current interest rate on the market. This is because the bank itself has to take its loss into account. 

It is important to know that the bank does not actually benefit from it. Allowing refinancing causes a long-term decline in their income. On the other hand, they want to avoid switching you to another bank and thus losing you as a customer. Therefore, there is a good chance that they will accept your proposal. If the bank still says ‘no’, you can look for a financial institution offering a lower interest rate and then transfer your loan there.

If you refinance with another bank, you must take into account the costs of canceling your existing mortgage and establishing a new mortgage with your new bank.

Research and compare lenders

Explore different lenders and their offerings. Look for competitive interest rates, flexible terms, and any associated fees or charges. It’s advisable to consult multiple lenders to get the best possible refinancing deal. 

Calculate your Equity 

Equity is the difference between the appraised value of your home and the outstanding mortgage balance. The higher your equity, the more options you’ll have when refinancing. Generally, lenders prefer borrowers to have at least 20% equity to avoid additional costs like mortgage insurance. 

Choose the right refinancing option

There are several refinancing options available to Canadian homeowners. The most common ones are: 

  1. Rate-and-Term Refinance – This involves replacing your existing mortgage with a new one that has a lower interest rate or better terms. It aims to reduce your monthly payments and save on interest costs over time.
  2. Cash-out Refinance – With this option, you can borrow more than your current mortgage balance, tapping into your home equity. The additional funds can be used for various purposes, such as home improvements, debt consolidation, or investments.
  3. Debt Consolidation Refinance – This option allows you to consolidate multiple debts, such as credit cards, personal loans, or lines of credit, into a single mortgage. By rolling your high-interest debts into your mortgage, you can potentially save on interest costs and simplify your payments.

Submit your application

Once you’ve chosen the refinancing option that suits your needs, submit your application to the lender of your choice. Be prepared to provide supporting documents, such as proof of income, credit history, and a property appraisal.

The lender will assess the value of your property through an appraisal process. Additionally, they will review your application, financial documents, and credit history during the underwriting process to determine your eligibility for refinancing. 

Closing and repayment

If your application is approved, you’ll proceed to the closing stage. At this point, you’ll sign the necessary paperwork, including the new mortgage agreement. The funds from the refinancing will be used to pay off your existing mortgage, and your repayment will begin based on the new terms and conditions. 

You can book a meeting with one of our agent at Cashin Mortgages. We’ll go over all of your refinancing alternatives with you. 

Please contact us at any time. We would be delighted to guide you through the process.

Home Equity Line of Credit: Pros & Cons https://cashinmortgages.ca/articles/home-equity-line-of-credit-pros-cons/ Mon, 08 May 2023 14:30:47 +0000 https://cashinmortgages.ca/?p=20510  

Home equity line of credit

A HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit) can be an appealing alternative if you are a homeowner wishing to tap the equity in your home. A HELOC is a revolving credit line secured by the equity in your home. It can be used for an array of purposes, including home improvements, debt repayment, and investing.

HELOCs can give you quick and easy access to cash when you need it. But, like with any financial instrument, there are advantages and disadvantages to consider before applying for a HELOC. In this article, we’ll look at the benefits and drawbacks of a HELOC to help you decide if it’s right for you.


Home Equity Line of Credit: Pros

1. Flexible access to funds

HELOC is a revolving line of credit that you can access whenever you prefer. This flexibility allows you to manage your finances more effectively, especially if you have unexpected needs or if your income is inconsistent. Unlike a standard loan, which has a predetermined repayment term, a HELOC often has a draw duration of 5 to 10 years, during which you can withdraw funds as needed. 

This gives you a lot of freedom and allows you to borrow money as needed, rather than all at once.

HELOC funds can be used in any way you see fit. You can use the funds for a variety of purposes, such as home improvements, debt consolidation, or education fees, a HELOC can help you get the job done. Unlike conventional loans, which have restrictions on how you may spend the money, a HELOC allows you to spend it in any way you consider convenient.

2. Lower interest rates

Because a home equity line of credit is secured by your property, you may be able to borrow at a lower interest rate than you would with other forms of loans, such as personal loans or credit cards.

HELOCs are a more appealing alternative for homeowners than other types of loans due to their lower interest rates.

3. Potential tax benefits

Interest paid on a HELOC is generally tax deductible in Canada if the borrowed funds are used for eligible expenses such as home renovations or investments. This can help you save money on taxes and make a HELOC more appealing than other types of loans. 

However, it is critical to contact a tax professional to assess your eligibility for these tax benefits and ensure the funds are used for eligible expenses.

4. Can improve credit score 

You can demonstrate to lenders that you are a responsible borrower and improve your credit history by making timely payments on your HELOC. Furthermore, having a HELOC can boost your total available credit, which can lower your credit utilization ratio and raise your credit score even further. 

But it’s vital to understand that using a HELOC irresponsibly and accumulating too much debt might have the opposite effect on your credit score. To realize the potential credit benefits, it is critical to use a HELOC responsibly and make timely payments.

5. High loan limits

HELOCs also typically have higher loan limits than other types of loans. Because the loan is secured by your home equity, lenders are often willing to lend you more money than they would with an unsecured loan. This means that if you need a large sum of money, a HELOC may be a more viable option than other types of loans.

6. Low initial monthly payments

HELOC loan limitations are generally greater than those of other types of loans. Lenders are usually willing to lend you more money than they would with an unsecured loan because the loan is secured by your home equity. As a result, if you need a significant sum of money, a HELOC may be a better option than other types of loans.


Home Equity Line of Credit: Cons

1. Risk of borrowing too much

Because a HELOC allows you to borrow money quickly, there’s a chance you’ll borrow more than you can pay back. 

This can result in financial hardship and possibly home foreclosure.

2. Variable interest rates

HELOC interest rates, unlike fixed-rate mortgages, can change with market conditions. This implies that your monthly payments may rise, making it more difficult to budget and plan for expenses.

3. Fees and charges 

One of the most significant disadvantages of a HELOC is that there may be a variety of fees and charges associated with the loan. They can include, among other things, application costs, annual fees, transaction fees, and early termination fees. These costs can quickly mount up, and it’s critical to incorporate them into your overall costs when deciding whether a HELOC is right for you.

4. Your home serves as collateral for the loan

If you fail to make your HELOC payments, the lender may be able to foreclose on your house. This is a significant risk that should be thoroughly evaluated before obtaining a HELOC.

5. Many have ongoing fees

Aside from the initial fees, many HELOCs contain ongoing fees that can add to the overall cost of the loan. Some lenders, for example, may charge an annual fee or a monthly maintenance cost for the life of the loan. These costs might be aggravating for borrowers who already feel they are paying a lot for the loan.

6. Payments are inconsistent

Another disadvantage of a HELOC is that payments can be unpredictable. During the draw period, you may only be required to make payments on the loan’s interest, which can be a small monthly amount. But you will be obliged to make payments on both the principal and interest during the payback period, which might result in substantially higher monthly installments. 

This can be difficult for some borrowers who are not prepared to increase their payments.

Some lenders may charge an annual fee or a monthly maintenance cost for the life of the loan. If you’re not prepared for this increase in payments, it can be difficult to manage your finances.

HELOC can be a great option for homeowners who need access to cash for home renovations, investing, or other expenses. However, it’s important to carefully consider the potential drawbacks and risks before taking out a HELOC.

If you’re unsure if a HELOC is right for you, speak to a mortgage professional at Cashin Mortgages. We can help you weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision.

